
From Unix SME

The "whoami" command in Linux is a simple but useful tool that allows you to see what user account you are currently using. It's like asking the computer "Who am I?" and it will tell you the name of the user account you're currently logged in as.

To use the "whoami" command, you simply open a terminal or command prompt and type in "whoami" (without the quotes). The computer will then display the username of the account you're currently using. It's a quick and easy way to check what user account you're logged in as, especially if you're using a shared computer or have multiple user accounts on your own computer. Here's an example of what you might see when you run the "whoami" command:


output: "ryan"

In this example, the user is logged in as the user "ryan". The "whoami" command simply displays the username of the currently logged in user.

It's worth noting that "whoami" only displays the username of the current user, it doesn't provide any additional information such as the user's full name, home directory, or other details. But it's still a handy tool to have in your Linux toolkit.

The "whoami" command is a simple tool that displays the username of the current user in a Linux terminal. It's a built-in command that is included in most Linux distributions.

Syntax: whoami

Use cases: - Checking what user account you're logged in as, especially on a shared computer or when using multiple user accounts. - Using "whoami" in combination with other commands, such as "sudo" or "su", to confirm the current user's identity and permissions. - Debugging issues with user permissions or environment variables.

Examples: Checking current user:


output: "ryan"

Using "whoami" in a script to check user permissions:

  1. !/bin/bash

echo "Current user: $(whoami)"

if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then

echo "You have root privileges"


echo "You do not have root privileges"


This script uses the "whoami" command to check the current user and then uses that information to determine whether the user has root privileges or not.